Still Jay's pleasure is not at an end. After a good time on the bed, where Hannah gives Jay instructions, they end up in the gym room again. Jay is ecstatic but Hannah is not in a rush and plays with the little guy as long as she wants, handing him a big weight he can't handle, then taking it over herself.
Yumiko has become a gigantic amazon while Rob, Sarah and Tiffany have shrunken down to doll size! What will Yumiko do with them? What plans does Tiffany have for the Unequalizer? After some size dominant fun and size swapping, Yumiko, Rob and Sarah's life might be permanently changed, plus a possible new female love interest for Yumiko?! And what *little* thing does the
Domina's Valley 16 - Feeding the Titans
For Hannah and Jay, the night continues, and what a night's going to be! Jay, who has been dreaming of tall girls like Hannah, is in heaven. Hannah seems to get just as excited and has a lot of ideas.
A short boy and a tall, athletic girl meet again after many years, and find that they are both alone on Christmas Eve. Hannah invites Jay to her house, where they confess that they have been really attracted to each other for years. They decide to make up for lost time...
29 pages, Color and Black & White, US$9.99
Mini-Giantess, Female Muscle Growth
The fifth volume collecting three sexy size changing comics in one comic! One of the three is the continuation of Amazons Vs Ants this time drawn by Grow Fighter artist Danusko, another is our first male growth only comic, Little Red Pill and the third is the expansion of our size changing super hero series, Massive City!
32 pages, Color and Black & White, US$9.99
Mini-Giantess, Female Muscle Growth
Artwork by PalComix
A fun new retro GTS comic that features Mini-GTS, Breast Expansion, and Muscle Girl themes. Follow Suzy, Marilyn and their pals as they volunteer for a female growth experiment! Many thanks to Merritt Stone who contributed a number of ideas to the story.
Tanya and Alina awake from their intimate night together and find themselves facing their greatest challenge yet, their friend Robin! When Robin(posessed by Xenethia) takes the Berserka amulet and replaces it with a fake one, how will Alina and Tanya handle the new and improved Synn who can drain people’s size and strength from far away and the much larger now 5 headed cerberus?
The growing college students are back, and this time more teachers are getting into the growing fun! Ariana experiences a new side effect of the meteor rocks! And the students continue getting bigger too specially during sex! How big will they get?