Domina's Valley Ch.10 EN

Domina's Valley Ch.10 EN

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Tales From Domina's Valley | Part TWO - Autumn's Whispers | Chapter 10 - The Fountain of Growth

Tyson and Giselle have been dating for about 1 month, and she is becoming more and more dominant. Tyson is now a calmer man, thanks to Giselle's love and Jessy's absence. Now all this tranquility is about to be broken because a lot of strange things are happening- like the sudden return of water into the lakes, fountains, ponds, and waterfalls of Domina's Valley after almost 6 years! Another odd event for an autumn season: not a single brown leaf on the ground...

 Meanwhile, the sorcerer and the acolyte will be revealed as well as their not-so-devious but gorgeous plan: releasing the Goddess's blessing once again into Domina's Valley! Time for some gorgeous growth ;)

This is the biggest chapter until now, with 4 scenes full of gorgeous girls and growth sequences! 

Yes, it was a slow offstage growth story, but now I decided to place the growth sequences inside the storyline for the enjoyment of all the slow growth sequence lovers.

Average: 4.5 (10 votes)

Finally :D Love the series!

Finally :D Love the series!

absolutly great. cool story,

absolutly great. cool story, cool arts. kiss on bmtbguy - from Manu :-)

Extremely dissapointed with

waisthigh (not verified)

Extremely dissapointed with this addition.  Why did Jesse just randomly lose a few feet of height?  I can't believe I payed $8 to see her shrink.  This used to be my favorite series.

Hi, waisthigh. You might be

Hi, waisthigh.

You might be messing with the High Hells. I double check my models every chapter, and all I'm telling you is that Jessy grew taller, she was just bare feet.

You might understand this better when you compare the chapter 7 and 11, that still under development: jessy's height using the same high heels compared to Professor T.

Personally I prefer -CHEAP

Peyoso (not verified)

Personally I prefer -CHEAP TRICKS- (im still waiting for audrey to unleash her evil plan and become bigger than everybody)  over -DOMINA VALLEY-.

Dont get me wrong I love both series, but I think some characters in -DValley- (like eden or jana) dont get as much attention as others in comparison to -Cheap Tricks- were almost every character gets to shine a little at least every once in a while. (personally, i'd love to see vivian grow too, even though she's presented as an antagonist I think she deserves to be taller/bustier too)

But as I said those are just personal opinions.

Finally, I love the fact that you take your time to answer to your fans/customers, that says a lot about an author, and is something really appreciated.

Thank you guys for the

Thank you guys for the comments.

Peyoso, that happens every time... you spend weeks of work in a 3D story and sometimes people don't like it, and sometimes they like it much more than you think they should.

Even Cheap Tricks was considered "Cheap" by many guys... years later I see them loving it. Was the improved quality the reason? Was it because the actual size of the girls? Was that influence by other guys who love it? Was that because they weren't sure what they like? I will never know. I prefer believing the fact those guys were just in a bad day. 

Personally, after years of making girls growing into giantesses, prefer the slow sexy torturing growth with lot of comparisons. It's like when I met a tall girl in teal life, that thing of hips higher than yours is an AMAZING sensation... sure, it happened  a couple of times and high heels were there, but that was good :)

The funny thing is that Domina's Valley is exactly is what I intended to do with Cheap Tricks... And I think you will find them a lot similar in the last chapters.

Anyway, the important thing is that I love what I do and most people loves it too. I'm happy for that. :)

"prefer the slow sexy

Peyoso (not verified)

"prefer the slow sexy torturing growth with lot of comparisons. It's like when I met a tall girl in teal life, that thing of hips higher than yours is an AMAZING sensation"

I definitely know that feeling and I agree with you a 100%.
Besides the fact that it takes time for them to get taller feels a lot more rewarding, than just making them huge from the very start, and that's something I like a lot more in
-Dvalley- than in -Cheap Tricks- (even though as I said before I like cheap tricks better).

One last thing I should say is that it is important to take in consideration customers/fans opinions, but in the end it doesn't matter if some people didn't like it, it's your work so it should be presented the way you want it to be, because real fans will support you until the end. Most probably you don't do this for a living, you do it because you like it and with that we should be thanking you for sharing your stories with us.


Hi guys !   Happy to see you

Hi guys !


Happy to see you back Bmtbguy ! laughI loved this latest issue. Jessy is so sexy and pure evil. devilThank you for your great talent.yes

Just one thing... I'm still waiting for some amazons feat of strength, I mean, at her size and with such healthy body, I think Jessy  could lift a car !surprise
