AlexGTSartist's blog

GTS Artists 2nd Birthday!
Hi guys,
this is the 2nd year GTS Artists is online! Thanks everybody for your daily numerous presence and thanks also to all the artists that have contributed so far with their awesome works (in registration order): tetsu, DangerousDave, btmbguy, dragoon, jesterbryanc, Liuti, Aclysm, ZZZ, Snotling, Berggie and Nyom.
Thanks also to our sponsors: ZZZ comics and Dreamtales for their support keeping the site alive for you to watch awesome giantess stories for free.
The site philosophy has always been to bring free content and supporting the artists grow and be known. GTS Artists was born for this: gather awesome free galleries for you easy to read or watch like comics with a fast scrolling and even in full screen. When you want to read a story again, you know it’s there, no need to look on your hard drive for scattered saved files or browse endless forum pages that would slow down to the point you can’t enjoy the story properly. It was also meant for artists to be known and invest to increase their talent and overall quality. The future is to be a portal where you know you can find news, art, video and links related to giantess and breast expansion.
GTS Magazine Archives and Newsletter
If you are a registered user and if you are logged in, you can now see in the top sliding user menu the link to “Magazine Archives” where you can access and download all the Magazine old issues. They are added on a monthly basis keeping a few months gap with the one delivered with the monthly newsletter. If you have no account yet register and subscribe to our newsletter to get more free awesome giantess stuff that can’t be found anywhere else, it’s an exclusive from our artists! What are you waiting for?
Remember also that if you didn’t receive the latest newsletter afther the 10th of each month you can send an empty email to and an automated service will deliver it to your email.
- Looking for new Artists!
For all the artists out there that like writing, drawing, rendering anything about giantesses, growing women or (even only) breast expansion this could be a place for you. As long as your work is ‘mainstream’ and with a bit of quality (just not too amateur) you could be featured on gtsartists in the free galleries section. It would be great for you, expanding your audience, and for giantess fans to know new artists, ways to contact them or links to more works on different thematic.
- Looking for volunteers
In order to increase the news section we’d like to have a very active collaborator willing to write news about the giantess world. More details once you contact us, as reward you could get all Alex GTS artist paid stories (released and upcoming). It’s required to be a native English speaker and a minimum post activity of once or twice a week.
We need another volunteer to keep the links section update with a minimum description for every link. Same rewards as above. Here just a good English knowledge is required.
Future and plans
We’re planning to improve the site, starting from the homepage and to restore the shop. The only reason this is taking a while is due to the fact our webdesigner is really busy and can’t work on this site updates.
- AlexGTSartist's blog
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hey there Alex, I'd like to
hey there Alex,
I'd like to congratiolate you on the sites birthday! I'v been here since day 1 and I am a great fan of it.
I'm inside the BE/GTS business for about 10 years and i think i can volunteer for the links section.
Thanks and again, Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday to us! My
Happy Birthday to us!
My special thanks to AlexGTSartists for his immense effort to give us, small artists and GTS lovers, a chance to view, show and sell our works with in a reliable platform, with free stuff, fair pricing, for hosting great free GTS stories and for everything else.
Thanks Alex, you're the man!
WOW, 2 years.... Thank you
WOW, 2 years....
Thank you Alex, for this amazing site. I really hope the shop is restored soon, so we can all get back on track.
this site kicks, thank to all
this site kicks, thank to all involved.