The plan is simple: Make Lil'Van grow a lot and put her revenge into overdrive!
But Vanessa is having a rough night and her daughters had to intervene, manipulating her dream and implanting growth triggers in her mind, while Phoebe's milk is being used to grow Vanessa actively.
Season 4 – Gianness City's Stories
Chapter 41 – Chaotic Fallout
•STANDARD Edition: (Pictures & text) Free to read at LiveTheGianterssDream.com, GtsArtist.com and Giantesscity Forum
•PLUS Edition: U$D 2 (Standard content + pictures only + bonus renders)
•Ultimate Edition: U$D 4 (PLUS content + slideshow MP4 with 2 zoom)
After a long time in the countryside, Vanessa and her daughters return.
The plan is simple: reunite Tony and Vanessa on an "eventual" encounter and in the heat of the moment bait him with all her loveliness and, damn, hot thighs!
Blue Phone is a slow growth series. All the events will occur during a period of 10 days.
This is the second day where consequences start to get big and women bigger
Season 1: Giantess Origins
Chapter 2 – Scarlet Hook
•Standard Edition: U$D 3 (pictures & text)
Buy at DA: https://www.deviantart.com/bmtbguy/art/Giantesss-Dream-2-Standard-880301050
Buy at my site: https://www.livethegiantessdream.com/p/giantess-dream-2.html
Blue Phone is a slow growth story
The beginning of the story of the Gianne house, where a short woman sees the nice guy their family intended to serve as a "Daddy" figure snatched up by a tall ex-model half her age.
How could they beat her?
They can't. No cheap trick could do the job.
Season 5: Summer in the Heights
Chapter 26 – It was Just a Dream
•Standartd Edition: U$D 4 (pictures & text)
•Plus Edition: U$D 5 (pictures & text + pictures only + bonus renders)
Pages: 104/117 (JPG) | Size: 46/98 Mb | Resolution: 1920x1080
Vanessa is big. She is freaking gigantic. It doesn't matter what others say or the second notification of public nudity, she went home and slept like an angel, and we're abour to see her wake up.
This chapter is an effor to explore her new size "for academic purposes".
In a beautiful blue world of a neighbor dimension lies a continent where the healthiest females live, known by its female athletes and models. There, at least half of the average women excel in beauty and every other body development, literal of amazons of beauty and lust.